Rehabilitation Department

Last update:2020-01-01


Welcome to the Rehabilitation Center!
The Rehabilitation Center of Far Eastern Memorial Hospital is located on the fifth floor of the main building. In the Center, we offer various kinds of service, such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and pediatric rehabilitation. The Center commit all therapeutic resources possible to ensure the quality of human life by providing comprehensive treatment modalities. And we also design some grading , non-invasive rehabilitation programs to meet the needs of wellness of our clients.
The prospect of our rehabilitation department of FEMH is continuously to be a leading profession in this field. Some health care specialties of physical medicine and rehabilitation are supposed to focus on restoring functional capacities of those suffered from illness or disabilities, such as stroke, spinal cord injury, heart surgery, amputation, joint replace-ment, sports injury and peripheral nerve disorders. Members of our faculty dedicate themselves to pursueing advanced knowledge of more effective physical medicine and rehabilitation therapy, to delivering the best care in every possible way. By working together, physiatrists, nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists and Speech-Language Pathologists help our patients challenge even higher level of independence, prepare for returning to work, family and community at last.

About Rehabilitation

The rehabilitation therapy group of Far Eastern Memorial Hosptal is composed of several professionals assembly. Unlike other invasive treatment, Rehabilitation medicine offers adequate modalities for pathological ill, neuromuscular reconstruction and functional restoration
Our faculty includes the Physiatrists, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech-Language Pathologists and Nurse Practitioner. All the team members of this group have made their efforts to various extent quite successful. We provide well qualified environment and techniques to help those who suffered from physical pain, disabled by accident, or unfortunately handicapped by heritage. Comprehensive diagnosis and early intervention stands for the brilliant achievement of this faculty.
Physical Therapists evaluate patients in a biomechanical way. The physical potential is fully emphasized as well as functional performance. Take for example the myofacial pain, physical therapy considers equal importance between pain relief and neuromuscular restoration. For that purpose,regular exercise could be one of the therapeutic considerations other than TENS application.
Occupational Therapists consider human as a whole. Performance tasks are emphasized through activities of daily living. The triangle balance among work, play and rest turns out to be the ultimate value. Occupational therapy programs include full extent of varieties: the patient himself physically and psychologically, the solid environment and, all the possible interaction related to all.
Speech-Language Pathologists help a lot in the promotion of communications with patients. To a certain level, the treatment service lies its emphasis on the assessment of articulation, voice, fluency, apraxia, aphasia and language. For more intensive care, pathological conditions of all kinds of clients are notified such as neuromuscular deficits or pediatric developmental delay.


Our faculty includes:
   6   Physiatrists
  33  Physical Therapists
  15  Occupational Therapists
   8   Speech-Language Pathologists
   1   Nurse Practitioner
   5   Clerk




Features of Rehabilitation center:

1. Nerve conduction study and electromyography:

This examination will use electrical stimulation and needle to record electrophysiologic signal of peripheral nerve and muscle .It can help to diagnose neuromuscular disorders and differential diagnosis of central nerve or peripheral nerve problem, myopathy, radiculopathy , plexopathy ,neuromuscular junction disease. It also can evaluate severity ,therapeutic effect and prognosis of above diseases.

2. Sonography of musculoskeletal system and soft tissue:

It is a non-invasive , non-radiation , real-time and dynamic examination. It can help to diagnose, treat, and follow-up disease. Clinical application included: muscle, tendon,joint ,ligament problem and soft tissue mass,etc.

3. Foot pressure and gait analysis laboratory:

It provide foot pressure measurement and dynamic gait analysis to find foot problem ( flat foot ,high arch foot ,equinovarus , equinovalgus ,plantar faciitis,etc) . We also provide proper medial and physical therapy and foot orthosis manufacture.   

4. Isokinetic evaluation:

We provide Biodex 3 pro dynamometer(New York, USA) to evaluate and train musculoskeletal system (including sport injury evaluation and rehabilitation ; muscle strength evaluation pre and post orthopedic surgery).

5. Needle electrical intramuscular stimulation(NEIMS):

We provide this novel treatment for patients with myofascial pain syndrome. It use monopolar needle into taut band of muscle to relief myofascial trigger points and get pain relief and muscle relaxation . It is a good therapeutic effect, time-saving and saft treatment.


Rehabilitation Clinic & Rehabilitation Center




ROOM 416




AM 8:30~12:00
PM 14:00~17:00
PM 17:30~21:00




4th floor


AM 8:00~PM21:30
AM 8:00~12:00







Skeletal-Muscular System


Low back painSpurDegenerative arthritis;
 Muscle strainLigment sprainSports injury
 Frozen shoulderJoint contracture
 Post knee reconstruction surgeryMyofacial pain
 Upper extremity functional trainingAmputation
 Training of Activities of daily living Replantation
 Rheumatoid arthritisColle’s fracture 


Nerve System

 Facial palsySciaticaCerebralvascular accident
 Parkinson’s diseaseCoordination training
 Traumatic brain injuryBurnSpinal cord injury
 De-quervian syndromeTendon rupture &
 repairmentNerve injury


TorticolisDown’s syndromeAutism
 Sensory integration disorderDevelopmental delay
 Asperger’s syndromeEmotional disorder
 Cerebral PalsyDevelopmental coordination
 disorderMental retardationLearning disorder
 Tactile defensivenessAttention deficit &
 hyperactive disorders


 Conditions beyond post cardiac surgery

Speech and language

Speech and language delayArticulation disorders
 StutteringVoice disordersAphasiaSysarthria
 Speech of apraxiaOral apraxiaSwallowing
 disordersCleft lip and palateHearing loss
 Central auditory processing disorders


