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July, 2004- -亞東紀念醫院心臟血管內科暨心血管加護病房主治醫師


July, 2002-

June, 2004



July, 1999-

June, 2002

July, 1992-

June 1999



2008- 歐洲心臟學會會員ESC (European Society of Cardilology)
2008- 歐洲心血管介入性治療協會會員 EAPCI (European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions)
2007- 亞太心臟學院院士FCAPSC (Fellow of College of Asian-Pacific Society of Cardiology)
2006- 台灣重症醫學專科醫師暨中華民國重症醫學會會員
2004- 中華民國心臟血管內科專科醫師及介入性治療專科醫師暨中華民國心臟學會會員
2003- Heart(BMJ)國際期刊審稿人成員Heart (British Medical Journal)


2009- 歐洲心臟學會急重症工作委員會成員



  • Hsin HT*, Yang CY, Yeih DF, Shieh JS, Li AH. The Detrended Fluctuation Analysis of Acute-Phase Heart-Rate Variability in Acute Coronary Syndromes- a Pilot Study. Int J Cardio 2009 (in press)
  • Hsin HT, Yeih DF, Lai CL, Liao PC, Yang CY, Chu SH, Li AH, Chiu YW. The Application of Oxygen Saturation of Central Venous Blood (ScVO2) in Complicated Acute Coronary Syndrome as a Probable Disease Monitor- a Pilot Study. Acta Cardiol Sinica 2008;24:126-133
  • Hsin HT*, Chiu YW, Liau CS, Chu SH. Inter-lacing” of Stents: 13-Month Follow-up by Intravascular Ultrasound after Primary Simultaneous Kissing Stenting. Acta Cardiol Sinica 2007;23:277-281
  • Hsin HT, Hwang JJ. Isolated Femoral Nerve Neuropathy after Intra-aortic Balloon Pump Treatment. J Formos Med Assoc. 2007;106:S29-32
  • Hsin HT*, Hwang JJ, Lo HJ. Severe aeroportia in a patient of acute myocardial infarction, complicated by acute ischemic bowel syndrome. Heart, 2006;92:1040
  • Hsin HT, Lin LC, Hwang JJ, Ho SG, Tseng CD, Chiang FT. Retrograde Wire-Assisted PDA closure by Amplatzer Occluder in the Elderly. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2004;61:264-7


  1. 辛和宗.糖尿病病患的大血管病變.財團法人中華民國糖尿病關懷基金會2008;3:6-8(中文)
  2. 辛和宗,李愛先.低分子量肝素在急性冠心症之使用。In:張博淵,陳明豐,林芳郁,李源德 eds. 急性冠心症-論點與實症。台北:財團法人名儕文教基金會 2006:195-216(中文)
  3. 辛和宗,黃瑞仁,曾春典.Reperfusion Therapy of ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction. Journal of Taipei Medical Association 2003;47(中文)
  4. 辛和宗,黃瑞仁,曾春典. Aldosterone in Congestive Heart Failure. journal of Taipei Medical Association 2003;47(5):42-47(中文)
  5. 辛和宗,曾春典.Acute Limb Ischemia. Journal of Taipei Medical Association 2003;47(1):59-62(中文)
  6. 辛和宗,呂相琳.Low-Molecular Weight Heparin in Non-ST elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome. CCPC Magazine 2003;(57):13-20 (中文)
  7. 辛和宗,呂相琳.Antacids-The Reasonable Application CCPC Magazine, 2001;49:22-24(中文)


  1. The longterm follow-up of simultaneous kissing stenting-a case series study. 38th Annual conference of Taiwan Society of Cardiology 2008, Taipei, Taiwan.
  2. The detrended fluctuation analysis of acute-phase heart-rate variability in acute coronary syndromes. European Society of Cardiology- Acute Cardiac Care 2008 (ESC), Versaillis, France
  3. The application of oxygen saturation of oxygen saturation of central venous blood (ScVO2) in Complicated acute coronary syndrome- as a probable disease monitor. European Society of Cardiology- Acute Cardiac Care 2008 (ESC), Versaillis, France
  4. Long-term administration of dimethylthiourea attenuates the reductions in force- and flow-generation capacity in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats: in terms of systolic elastance and resistance. ESC Congress 2008, Muchen, Deutschland.
  5. The quality improvement initiative for acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction- the lesson from Door-to-Balloon (D2B) Alliance. World Congress on Controversies in Cardiovascular Diseases: Diagnosis, Treatment and Intervention (C-Care) 2008, Berlin, Germany
  6. Simultaneous kissing stenting to left-main bifurcation. Complex Catheter Therapeutics 2008, Kobe, Japan.
  7. Primary Simultaneous Kissing Stenting in Myocardial Infarction. Taiwan Transcatheter Therapeutics (TTT) international live course 2006, Taipei, Taiwan
  8. The application of central venous oxygenation in primary cardiac and medical diseases. World Congress of Internal Medicine (WCIM) 2006, Taipei, Taiwan.
  9. Intra-aortic balloon pump counterpulsation- in the perspective of contemporary interventional cardiology, International Congress of Cardiovascular Disease (ICCD) 2004, Taipei, Taiwan
  10. Early invasive strategy for non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome- a single institute trial. International Congress of Cardiovascular Disease (ICCD) 2004, Taipei, Taiwan



