To our dear patient(s), families and friends:
The Department of Psychiatry offers the following services with the hope that those who may need them would not hesitate to come and avail of them.
Ambulatory Care Services
A. Outpatient Clinic
When you need to learn more about the symptoms that seems to surfaced when under stress or had a history of psychiatric conditions which needed re- |
evaluation or further treatment, or just simply not sure if the difficulties, either emotional or physical, that you’re experiencing warrants further attention, then outpatient ambulatory care would be a good place to start. |
Our outpatient services conducts clinic from Mondays thru Fridays, in the morning (9:00-12:00 a.m.), afternoon (2:00-5:00 p.m.) and evening (6:00 – 9:00 a.m.), and on Saturday morning (9:00-12:00 a.m.).
But if you don’t feel comfortable with having to wait in line for your turn or only have a limited time allotted, you could consider the next following choices:
B. Outpatient Clinic Teaching Rounds
This service is available to patients who have not been to our hospital psychiatry department before and who are willing to be a part of the teaching experience. This service is carried out by a senior psychiatrist who will guide our psychiatric resident(s)-in-training to carry out an in-depth evaluation and discussion of your condition done in an unhurried pace. This service is on every Thursday afternoon, but due to this being an extensive session, limited slots (2 patients per clinic) are available hence advanced appointment is advised.
C. VIP Outpatient Clinic
If you’re on a tight schedule and need to have a more flexible clinic time, then VIP outpatient clinic is what you need. Your choice of doctor and session time, in a private setting with relaxing ambience complete with magazines and other reading material, coffee maker, etc. And with your own nurse who will help you clear your bill and procure your medicine(s) afterwards.
*An NT$1,000 overhead on top of the regular fee is charged for the use of the VIP clinic.
D.Psychological Counseling
If you are not sure that medications are the solution to your answer, or would like to expand your treatment choice, or maybe to have a more in-depth discussion/analysis of your inner angst, you could choose our psychological counseling services which is establish to resolve the emotional difficulties borne out of present-day stresses. This service is on every Friday afternoon and is conducted by our able psychologists.
*This service is not covered by the National Health Insurance program. Counseling fee costs NT$1000 plus NT$100 for the administrative fee. |