Belize Project

Project for Strengthening Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Prevention and Control System in Nicaragua

In order to give the sustainable assistance to Belizean medical eco-system and fulfill the need of integration of radiation imaging system to BHIS (Belize Health Information System), FEMH continues to cooperate with the Government of Belize to carry out next 4-year term project for strengthening medical imaging system by digitizing medical imaging equipment, cultivating qualified radiologists, improving efficiency in obtaining and managing medical imaging to improve the accessibility medical imaging services.

In January and May 2019, FEMH radiographer Mr. Wu, Chi-Yu and radiologist Dr. Lai, Yen-Jun had an on-site investigation for Belizean medical imaging information system and confirmation of certification model of radiologist training program, respectively.

Oct / 2019

In October 2019, FEMH completed the orientation training for TaiwanICDF project manager. On 18 November, the Government of Belize and the Government of Taiwan officially signed the project agreement. On 17 December, FEMH received the cooperation board from TaiwanICDF.

Dec / 2019

Started from December 2019, 2 Belizean doctors is received 3-year radiologist training at FEMH. It’s the very first time for Taiwan to cultivate foreign qualified specialist through the medical aid project.