★ "Non-lethal exposure to short-wavelength light-emitting diodes modulates tight-junction structure in human corneal epithelial cells via cAMP-dependent signaling"之研究成果刊登於國際期刊 Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology (2024.02.15).
★ "Effects of cyclosporine on steroid-refractory dry eyes"之研究成果刊登於期刊 Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology (2023.03.24).
將初代培養的角膜基質細胞,透過體外培養的方式改造體細胞,尋求能促使角質細胞的前趨細胞進行大量增生的生長條件,使其可增生成新的類角膜基質細胞,以重建受傷的角膜。 研究於角膜屈光手術過程中,所用的藥物及其濃度對角膜上皮細胞及基質細胞的影響及作用機轉。利用角膜基質細胞的初步培養方法及分子生物學的相關技術,分析角膜細胞在藥物處理之後所產生的分子反應,藉以瞭解其對手術後角膜在傷口癒合過程可能造成的影響。
團隊主持人 張淑雯 副院長 (Dr. Shu-Wen Chang)
眼科醫師 何威廷 博士 (Dr. Wei-Ting Ho)
眼科醫師 黃子倫 博士 (Dr. Tzu-Lun Huang)
眼科醫師 張珮瑤 醫師 (Dr. Pei-Yao Chang)
眼科醫師 蔡紫筠 醫師 (Dr. Tzu-Yun Tsai)
研究員 陳燦麒 博士 (Dr. Tsan-Chi Chen)
臨床專護 李祥瑜 (Miss Siang-Yu Li)
研究助理 張鳳君 (Miss Feng-Chun Chang)
國立陽明大學 生醫光電與超音波實驗室
江惠華 教授 (Dr. Huihau-Kenny Chiang)
元智大學 電機工程學系生醫系統實驗室
蘇泰元 副教授 (Dr. Tai-Yuan Su)
論文發表 (2023 JCR)
☆ Intracellular regulation of TJ formation in LED-exposed HCEs. (J Photochem Photobiol B, 2024 )
☆ Repeated cell sorting ensures the homogeneity of ocular cell populations expressing a transgenic protein. (PLoS ONE, 2022)
☆ The role of intracellular ZO-1, PKCε, and Rac-1 during MOX-modulated random migration in corneal fibroblasts. (European Journal of Pharmacology, 2021)
☆ Construction of a NOST model (Ocular Surface, 2020)
☆ The role of intracellular MMP9 during MMC retardation of corneal fibroblast migration. (European Journal of Pharmacorlogy, 2019)
☆ TGF-β1 induction of IL-12 Secretion in the isolated HCFs. (Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2017)
☆ Inhibition of ciprofloxacin and moxifloxacin in human corneal motility via reducing the binding affinity of paxillin to FAK. (Experimental Eye Research, 2016)
☆ The ocular surface thermograph. Thermography captures the ocular surface thermographic image in a non-invasive manner. (British Journal of Ophthalmology, 2014)
☆ Feasibility of using the noncontact thermograph method to evaluate tear film stability without using a fluorescein sodium drop. (Biomedical Optics Express, 2014)
☆ A Beneficial Postoperative Dexamethasone Treatment following Intraoperative Mitomycin C Application. (Experimental Eye Research, 2014)
☆ Anit-Fibrotic Efficiency of Moxifloxacin in Human Corneal Fibroblasts. (British Journal of Pharmacology, 2013)
☆ Suppression of Mitomycin C during Cell Migration of Human Corneal Fibroblasts. (Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2012)
☆ Indirect Regulation of Mitomycin C during Corneal Epithelial Migration. (Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2010)
Corneal Regeneration and Wound Healing Research Team